Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

gee*eight available at Kartel Shop (Dago no.10a Bandung - Indonesia)

Kartel Shop is now open ....
on Jl. dago no.10a Bandung - Indonesia!

"Kartel" is a clothing store that is located on dago street no.10a.
Kartel is about combining clothing concept within the indie clothing scene in Indonesia. Out interest is not just about creating group around the clothing brand but is more than that, is about giving our customer options or selections by introducing the cultures that you will value from. We will offer you 5 brands.

"Vocuz Evolute" a clothing that represent music culture, such metal design, rock and etc. "Rava" a clothing that represent the popular culture.

"Mighty" a clothing that give you the fell of colors, shinny and funny at the same time. "Firebolt clothing" name every environment pressure groups that u ever heard, firebolt is in the forefront of it.

"gee*eight" a clothing that is designed specially for you ladies, name every kind of cuts of model, we have it.

Kartel adalah sebuah toko clothing di jl. Dago no.10a. Kartel merupakan kombinasi dari beragam concept clothing/distro yaitu gee*eight, Vocuz Evolute, mighty, rava & firebolt. Kami membuat kartel bukan sekedar untuk membuat komunitas, yang kami berikan adalah pilihan dari nuansa perbedaan concept :)

KARTEL Jl. dago no.10a Bandung Indonesia

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