Gee*Eight is the founder of boudist / boutique distro community. “Boutique” represents the meaning of fashion for female and distro symbolize the "do it yourself" community, Fashion Online Store Indonesia at
Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
gee*eight MODEL HUNT !!!!
Looking for talents for our weekly catalogue..
Requirments :
- Must be 17 to 25 Year
- Good health, physically & mentally
- No experiences needed
- Must have manners
- Last but not least, you must got S.T.Y.L.E :)
if you meet those above mentioned requirements, you are invited to the audition.
Audition open on monday till friday from 15.00-17.00 WIB, only at House of gee*eight.
Dare to be the us what you got!!
See you..
House of Gee*Eight
Jl. Progo no.3 Bandung, Indonesia
Phone/Fax : 022-4267686
Gee*Eight management
Senin, 16 Februari 2009
gee*eight in UMM DOM, MALANG
(Indienesia, Art & Youth Festival)
.....Distro & Clothing EXPO
06 Maret - 8 Maret 2009
Here we come gee*eight lover in MALANG.....
see u at UMM DOM
we are give specially for you!..
come.....come..... Discount
gee*eight Shoping bag
Dukung Anti Plastic Bag Campaign!
“DIPERKIRAKAN bahwa 500 juta hingga 1 milyar kantong plastik dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia setiap tahunnya. Ini berarti hampir mencapai 1 juta kantong plastik per menit.”
“Plastik diperkirakan membutuhkan sekitar 500 tahun untuk terdekomposisi secara sempurna.”
“Ratusan ribu penyu, paus dan mamalia laut lainnya mati setiap tahun akibat memakan plastik, di antaranya kantong plastik, karena salah memperkirakann ya sebagai makanan.”
Open your eyes…
Our Planet needs our help…
Do you care enough?
“We can save our planet even when we’re shopping”
....gee*eight support Campaign Anti Plastic Bag
... Specially designed for you!
Selasa, 10 Februari 2009
Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009
New Arrival
Hot new & limited products EVERYDAY..
only available at house of gee*eight
Online Order :
022-91910798, 085624491899 (Agus)
Wholesale/grosir/putus :
#0815 600 2741 (Elmira)
only available at house of gee*eight
Online Order :
022-91910798, 085624491899 (Agus)
Wholesale/grosir/putus :
#0815 600 2741 (Elmira)
Postingan (Atom)